Stephanie Wallace
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Securing Tomorrow, Today: The Importance of Legacy Giving in Nonprofit Strategy

Embark on an exciting exploration of how you can make a lasting impact on tomorrow, starting today! In this blog, we’ll be diving into the world of Legacy Giving and its crucial role in shaping the future for nonprofit organizations. But first, let’s understand what Legacy Giving is all about. Legacy Giving (or Planned Giving), simply put, is a thoughtful way to support causes that matter to you well into the future by including a charitable gift in your will or estate plan.

Why is Legacy Giving so important for nonprofit organizations? Imagine leaving a positive mark on the world that extends far beyond your lifetime. Legacy Giving allows individuals like you to contribute to the long-term sustainability of nonprofits, ensuring that their mission and impact endure for generations to come. Join us on this journey as we unveil the significance of Legacy Giving in nonprofit strategy, and discover how your actions today can secure a brighter tomorrow for the causes you hold dear. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to make a difference that lasts a lifetime!

Understanding Legacy Giving

Let’s explore Legacy Giving and its different shapes. Legacy Giving is like planting a seed that grows into a tree of support for nonprofits, even after you’re no longer here. There are three common forms: wills, bequests, and trusts. When you include a nonprofit in your will, you’re making a promise to stand by their side, even in the future. Bequests mean leaving a specific amount or a part of what you have to the organization. Trusts help manage and share assets over time.

Learn How to Implement a Successful Planned Giving Program from Start to Finish
Watch this on-demand webinar hosted by Tony Martignetti to learn how your nonprofit can start and grow a successful Planned Giving program.
Learn How to Implement a Successful Planned Giving Program from Start to Finish
Watch this on-demand webinar hosted by Tony Martignetti to learn how your nonprofit can start and grow a successful Planned Giving program.

Legacy Giving and Financial Planning

Legacy Giving is not only about leaving a lasting impact on nonprofits but also about integrating it into your financial or estate plans. It’s a thoughtful way to align your values with your financial legacy. Incorporating Legacy Giving into your financial planning allows you to make a meaningful contribution while ensuring the longevity of your support.

The Power of Numbers: Impactful Stats on Legacy Giving

Numbers can tell powerful stories. Recent stats show that nonprofits receive a big chunk of their funding from Legacy Giving. This steady support lets these organizations plan ahead, take on long projects, and handle new challenges. It shows how people like you, leaving a lasting legacy, can make a big difference.

Tip: Keela : Your Partner in Legacy Giving

Making a lasting impact should be simple. That’s where Keela comes in. Keela provides tools that are easy to use, helping you manage and track your Legacy Giving. These tools make sure your support is not just powerful but also well-organized, benefiting the nonprofits you care about. Whether you’re considering a legacy gift, charitable gift annuities, or updating your gift planning, Keela is here to support you in making informed decisions.

Why Legacy Giving Matters for Nonprofits

Now, let’s dive into why Legacy Giving is a big deal for nonprofits like the ones you care about.

1. Long-term Financial Stability:

Imagine you’re helping nonprofits create a stable financial future. Legacy Giving does just that. By including a nonprofit in your will or trust, you’re giving them a reliable source of support for years to come. This steady stream of funds helps them plan and achieve their goals without worrying about sudden financial ups and downs.

2. Enhancing Organizational Sustainability:

You play a crucial role in making sure your favorite nonprofits stick around for the long haul. Planned Giving ensures they have the resources to keep doing good work, even when faced with challenges. It’s like giving them a safety net so they can continue their missions and make a lasting impact in the world.

Insight: Keela’s Financial Tracking Features for Nonprofits:

Here’s a helpful tip. Keela, with its special financial tracking features, can make Legacy Giving even more powerful for nonprofits. It helps them manage and keep track of the support they receive through Legacy Giving, ensuring that your contribution is used wisely and makes a lasting impact.

So, by considering Planned Giving, you’re not just supporting nonprofits today but becoming a part of their journey towards a brighter and more stable tomorrow. With tools like Keela, your legacy becomes a force for good that lasts far beyond your lifetime.

Getting Started with Legacy Giving

Now that you understand why Legacy Giving is important, let’s talk about how you can get started. It’s simpler than you think!

1. Identifying Potential Donors:

Begin by identifying people who share your passion for the causes you care about. These could be family members, friends, or anyone who values making a positive impact on the world. Look for those who might be interested in leaving a lasting legacy through charitable giving.

2. Communicating the Benefits of Legacy Giving:

Once you’ve identified potential donors, share with them the incredible benefits of Legacy Giving. Let them know that it’s a way to make a lasting impact on the causes they love, ensuring their support continues even after they’re no longer here. Highlight the sense of fulfillment and joy that comes with leaving a positive legacy.

3. Establishing Trust and Credibility:

Building trust is key. Help potential legacy or major donors feel confident that their legacy will be used wisely by the nonprofit. Share success stories of others who have chosen Legacy Giving and the positive impact it has had on the organizations. Transparency and credibility go a long way in encouraging others to join the journey.

Tip: Keela’s donor management tools can assist in identifying and engaging potential legacy donors interested in Legacy Giving. It simplifies the process, making it easier for both you and the nonprofits you’re supporting. With Keela, you can efficiently manage your contacts and ensure that your legacy-making journey is as seamless as possible.

By taking these steps, you’re not only starting your Legacy Giving journey but also inspiring others to make a lasting impact. Remember, every small effort contributes to a brighter and more compassionate future.

Creating a Legacy Giving Program

Now that you’re ready to make a lasting impact, let’s explore how to create a Legacy Giving program that truly stands out.

1. Building a Dedicated Team:

First things first – assemble a dedicated team. Find individuals within your nonprofit organization who are passionate about Legacy Giving. This team will be the driving force behind your program, working together to inspire and engage potential donors. Their enthusiasm will be contagious!

2. Developing Educational Materials for Donors:

Empower your team with educational materials that clearly explain Legacy Giving. Create brochures, online resources, and engaging content to help potential donors understand the impact they can make. These materials should be informative yet easy to understand, making the concept of Legacy Giving accessible to everyone.

3. Integrating Legacy Giving into Fundraising Strategies:

Now, let’s weave Legacy Giving into your overall fundraising strategies. Make it a natural part of the conversation. Whether you’re hosting events, launching campaigns, or connecting with donors, ensure that Legacy Giving is highlighted. Emphasize how leaving a legacy can be a meaningful and lasting way for individuals to support the causes they care about.

Insight: Keela’s Campaign Management Features:

Here’s a game-changer for you. Keela’s campaign management features can streamline the integration of Legacy Giving into your overall fundraising strategies. This tool ensures that Planned Giving becomes a seamless part of your organization’s broader fundraising efforts. With Keela, managing campaigns and engaging donors becomes efficient and effective, making your Legacy Giving program even more impactful.

By building a dedicated team, creating informative materials, and seamlessly integrating Legacy Giving into your fundraising strategies, you’re laying the foundation for a program that truly makes a difference. Your efforts will not only inspire others to join the cause but also ensure that your legacy lives on in the positive change you help create.

Overcoming Challenges in Legacy Giving

Legacy giving, a noble avenue for donors to leave a lasting impact on the causes they cherish, is not without its hurdles.

Common Misconceptions: Shattering the Myths

Legacy giving often faces misconceptions that can deter potential donors. Debunking these myths is paramount. Contrary to popular belief, one need not be affluent to engage in legacy giving; it’s a misconception that excludes many with the desire to contribute. By demystifying such notions, we open the gates for a more inclusive and diverse community of legacy givers.

Debunk the Top 5 Myths of Planned Giving
Join the Planned Giving evangelist, Tony Martignetti, as he smashes the insidious top 5 myths around Planned Giving.
Debunk the Top 5 Myths of Planned Giving
Join the Planned Giving evangelist, Tony Martignetti, as he smashes the insidious top 5 myths around Planned Giving.

Addressing Donor Concerns: Building Trust, Fostering Commitment

Donors grapple with concerns ranging from the security of their assets to the efficacy of their contribution. Addressing these apprehensions requires transparent communication and a comprehensive understanding of donor expectations. By establishing clear protocols and fostering open dialogue, organizations can assuage donor concerns and build lasting relationships founded on trust.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: Navigating the Compliance Landscape

Legacy giving is bound by legal and ethical considerations that demand meticulous attention. Donors seek assurance that their contributions will be handled with integrity and in accordance with the law. Organizations must prioritize compliance, ensuring that every aspect of legacy giving adheres to legal standards and ethical principles. This commitment not only protects donors but also fortifies the reputation of the organization.

In the realm of legacy giving, overcoming challenges requires a collaborative effort, dispelling misconceptions, addressing donor concerns, and navigating the intricate web of legal and ethical considerations. By doing so, we pave the way for a legacy giving landscape that is not only robust but also accessible to all who wish to leave an enduring mark on the causes they hold dear.

Communicate Your Impact with this FREE Storytelling Toolkit
Use this toolkit to discover the key elements of a good impact story and learn how to create yours. Plus, you will get access to a template so you can get a head start.
Communicate Your Impact with this FREE Storytelling Toolkit
Use this toolkit to discover the key elements of a good impact story and learn how to create yours. Plus, you will get access to a template so you can get a head start.

Promoting Legacy Giving: Marketing and Outreach

Now that we’ve identified and tackled the challenges surrounding legacy giving, the next crucial step is to promote and encourage this impactful form of philanthropy. Here’s how you can effectively market legacy giving to ensure its resonance with potential donors.

Utilizing Digital Platforms: Harnessing the Power of Connectivity

In an increasingly digital world, your organization’s online presence is pivotal. Leverage social media, email campaigns, and your website to amplify the message of legacy giving. Share compelling stories, success narratives, and the transformative impact of past contributions. Keela’s marketing tools are a valuable asset in this endeavor, facilitating seamless digital outreach to engage a wider audience.

Hosting Events and Workshops: Fostering Personal Connections

Take your legacy giving campaign offline and into the community by hosting events and workshops. These provide a platform for potential donors to interact with your cause on a personal level. Share insights, provide educational resources, and connect with attendees. These events not only raise awareness but also create a sense of community around your organization and its mission.

Collaborating with Professional Advisors: Tapping into Expertise

Forge partnerships with professional advisors such as financial planners and lawyers who specialize in estate planning. These collaborations can offer donors expert guidance, instilling confidence in the legacy giving process. Professional endorsements add credibility and reinforce the importance of legacy giving in financial planning.

Tip: Keela’s marketing tools facilitate digital outreach and event management for promoting legacy giving, streamlining the process, and ensuring a cohesive and effective campaign.

By combining digital outreach, community engagement through events, and expert collaborations, you’ll create a comprehensive marketing strategy that not only promotes legacy giving but also resonates with a diverse range of potential donors. Remember, the key lies in cultivating connections and showcasing the profound impact that legacy giving can have on both donors and the causes they hold dear.

Measuring and Evaluating Legacy Giving Success

As you embark on your journey to promote legacy giving, it’s essential to establish robust methods for measuring and evaluating the success of your initiatives. Here’s a roadmap to guide you through this crucial aspect of your philanthropic efforts.

Key Performance Indicators: Setting Benchmarks for Success

Define clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to gauge the effectiveness of your legacy giving campaigns. Whether it’s the number of new legacy commitments, increased donor engagement, or growth in overall contributions, identifying and tracking KPIs provides a tangible framework for success.

Tracking Donor Engagement: Understanding the Impact

Engaged donors are more likely to become legacy givers. Monitor and analyze donor engagement through various channels—social media interactions, event attendance, and responses to campaigns. This insight not only gauges current success but also informs future strategies for sustained donor involvement.

Adjusting Strategies for Optimal Impact: Adapting to Changing Dynamics

Legacy giving landscapes evolve, and so should your strategies. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your initiatives and be prepared to adjust your approach based on the feedback received. Flexibility ensures that your efforts remain aligned with the ever-changing philanthropic landscape.

Tip: Keela’s reporting and analytics features offer valuable insights, aiding in the measurement and evaluation of the success of your legacy giving initiatives. Utilize these tools to refine your strategies and enhance the impact of your philanthropic endeavors.

Manage and Track Your Legacy Giving Initiatives with the Help of Keela!

See how Keela’s suite of intelligent tools are designed to your legacy-making journey is as seamless as possible.

Streamline Your Nonprofit Planning Process with Keela!

Get a glimpse into the benefits of Keela’s features including goal tracking, action plan management, data and analytics, and more!

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In the realm of nonprofit strategy, securing tomorrow requires action today. Legacy gifts, also known as planned or major gifts, hold the key to sustained impact. Beyond their intrinsic value, these contributions offer not just financial support but a lasting legacy for your cause. The allure of tax benefits sweetens the deal for both donors and organizations.

As you navigate the landscape of legacy giving, embrace its potential and encourage your nonprofit to weave it into the fabric of your strategy. The impact goes beyond the immediate, creating a ripple effect that echoes through generations. Keela stands as a steadfast resource, supporting nonprofits in their journey towards securing a brighter tomorrow through the power of legacy giving. Together, let’s shape a future where philanthropy knows no bounds.

About the Author

Stephanie Wallace

Marketing Specialist at Keela

For as long as she can remember, Stephanie has been involved in the nonprofit industry. This passion for nonprofit fundraising and helping her community led her to study Human Rights and Social Justice. Stephanie continued her studies where she completed a Post Graduate Certification in Digital and Content Marketing. This is when she found she could combine both her love of marketing and nonprofit fundraising.